“Great leaders become leaders to achieve something, not to be someone.”
I received my BS in Industrial Electronics from the University of Poona, India and my PhD from the joint doctoral program in Functional Imaging between the Biophysics department at the Medical College of Wisconsin, and the department of Biomedical Engineering at Marquette University, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. During which time I was the recipient of a Whitaker Predoctoral Fellowship. Next, I completed my postdoctoral fellowship in the Molecular Imaging Program at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine. I am currently Associate Professor of Radiology, Oncology and Biomedical Engineering at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine. I am a member of the JHU Molecular Imaging Program, the Sidney Kimmel Comprehensive Cancer Center, and the Institute for NanoBioTechnology (INBT). Our imaging research has been recognized by several awards and journal covers. These include the Bill Negendank Young Investigator Award from the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM) given to “outstanding young investigators in the field of cancer MR”, the Susan Komen Career Catalyst Award and the ISMRM's Outstanding Teacher Award.
E-mail: pathak AT mri DOT jhu DOT edu
PHILOSOPHY: I practice Plutarch’s maxim that “the mind is not a vessel that needs filling, but wood that needs igniting”. I engage and galvanize my students to think for themselves. I believe that knowledge unaccompanied by action is merely ‘information’ and strive to impress upon students that they are uniquely positioned to make an impact on society-at-large. As a result, several have gone on to become physicians, researchers, educators, work for non-profits and start companies. My students continue to contribute to my growth as a mentor and are my greatest source of pride and joy.
“Our legacy is ultimately defined not by the number of grants we received or the papers we wrote, but rather by how well we mentored and uplifted others to become leaders via these resources. ”